
Dental Office Maple Ridge

Dentists in Maple Ridge

What Is Dental Scaling And Why Do I Need It?

Dental scaling is a procedure used to treat gum disease. The dentist will reach below the gum line to remove plaque buildup; this process is otherwise known as deep cleaning. However, this treatment is different from general dental cleanings. So, what is dental...

Six Ways To Prevent Receding Gums

Six Ways To Prevent Receding Gums

Gum infections can start small and sometimes go unnoticed. You might observe your gums swollen or inflamed and occasionally bleed when brushing. This infection is called gingivitis, caused by a buildup of bacteria in the mouth. Gum infection becomes a serious issue...

Ways to make teeth brushing fun for your kids

Ways to make teeth brushing fun for your kids

Do your kids struggle with brushing their teeth? Not brushing them correctly or long enough is challenging, especially with busy mornings. Ensuring your children develop good dental habits is essential. It can prevent any oral issues in the future and allows them to...

Wisdom Teeth Removal Aftercare: What to Expect

Wisdom Teeth Removal Aftercare: What to Expect

Wisdom teeth are relatively unnecessary teeth that are no longer a healthy fit in the mouths of 75-80% of Americans. Most dentists will agree and will likely advise that wisdom teeth removal aftercare is of the utmost importance. Suppose you are part of the...

Top 5 Tips For Your Kids Dentist Appointment

Top 5 Tips For Your Kids Dentist Appointment

57% of Canadian children 6-11 years old are infected with ECC or early childhood caries. 24% of all children have damage to their permanent teeth related to caries. Dentistry for kids begins as soon as they're born. Their first teeth typically erupt out of their...

Invisalign Cleaning and Maintaining

Invisalign Cleaning and Maintaining

Invisalign Cleaning: Professional Tips Chunky braces are a thing of the past. A straight smile can be easily achieved using new technology in Invisaligns, and it’s all possible without anyone knowing you’re wearing braces. The only care needed is to keep a clean...

Are Dental Veneers Right for Me?

Are Dental Veneers Right for Me?

Dental veneers are a popular cosmetic procedure that can enhance the appearance of your smile. Veneers are applied during a simple non-surgical appointment and requires little to no anesthesia. The final result is long lasting and creates a beautiful, natural smile. ...

How to Use a Teeth Whitening Kit from the Dentist

How to Use a Teeth Whitening Kit from the Dentist

A professionally made teeth whitening kit is excellent for at-home whitening with optimal results at an affordable price. Check out this guide to learn more about custom whitening kits. We’ll explain how easy it is to usef whitening trays at home. What is a custom...

Are Electric Toothbrushes Worth It for Me?

Are Electric Toothbrushes Worth It for Me?

On average, Americans only spend 45 seconds brushing their teeth every day. It is recommended by dental health professionals to brush for about two minutes.  Using electric toothbrushes can help solve this problem as well as many others that Americans encounter while...

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